Tuesday 22 June 2010

Friday 18 June 2010

Canal boat cake

This is my latest creation! I actually live right opposite the canal in Willington so I was able to peek out of my kitchen window whilst I was creating this cake. It is for a 40th Birthday and the man receiving it loves his canal boat dearly. It is named 'ESIO TROT' which is a Roald Dahl book and spells Tortoise backwards! The lady who ordered the cake told me they thought it was relevant to name their boat after the book as they go so slow, lovely!

The original boat

As you can see its not exactly like the original but as close as I could get it. I thoroughly enjoyed making this as it was a challenge to get the shape and details right.

Monday 14 June 2010

Afternoon Tea Dance

Well, who would have thought in the 16th Century, when the Portuguese and Dutch traders brought the first tea from China into Europe, Britain would adopt the drink as its national beverage?

Who could have anticipated the changes this drink would make to our society?

At the beginning of the 20th Century, Tea Dances became popular for the 'Young Set' The eligible ladies and gentleman of the wealthy and aristocratic families used to entertain their friends by dancing in each others homes.

A new sensational dance arrived in London in 1910. The Argentine Tango soon became all the rage. The Waldorf Hotel began offering Latin dance classes, soon Tea Dances were being held on a daily or weekly basis at the Waldorf, Savoy and other London hotels. Gradually the tea dances went nationwide as popularity increased. The fashionable set continued to patronise the Tea Dances until 1920...

...and now in 2010 the Tea Dance is back! on the 17th July the Donington Manor hotel will be holding a truly vintage afternoon tea dance, with vintage crockery, tea and many many cakes! Please do come along and celebrate this wonderful tradition, there will be a dance workshop so you can learn the moves and dance the afternoon away.

Tickets are only £12.95 per person, to book your ticket please email enquiries@doningtonmanorhotel.co.uk or call 01332 810253.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Winners of the May newsletter competition

Thank you to all that entered my little competition from my monthly newsletter. Here are the lucky winners below, there are two this time!

Mandy Hibbert from Shug Toscana
Haylee Green

Well done! you two both win one of these gorgeous teacups and tea lights from the Kate Aspen UK range.

If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter then please go to my website to be added to the mailing list. There are lots of competitions, offers, exciting updates and news, and it would be great if you were in the know too!
